There are many different ways to cut LVP flooring, but in this article, we are going to talk about two easy methods.

LVP stands for Low Viscosity Polyurethane. It is a kind of synthetic flooring material that comes in several different colors. The flooring is waterproof, durable, and resistant to extreme temperatures. So, it is widely used in various types of construction works.

Cutting is the first step of any renovation process, and you can’t avoid it. If you are planning to renovate your kitchen or bathroom, then cutting is an essential task to do. There are a lot of things that you need to consider before you start the task.

If you are a professional, then you can do it by yourself, but for the beginners, it is a difficult task to do. So, you need to ask someone who has experience and knows the exact process of cutting LVP flooring.

But, there are a lot of online sources where you can get information and support about the process of cutting LVP flooring. But, in this article, we are going to share with you some important tips for the beginners and experts.

Important Tips:

You need to choose the right tool

It is a very important thing that you need to use the right tools while you are cutting the flooring. If you are a beginner, then you don’t need to invest much money in buying the tools.

The best option is to use a circular saw and you can also get it for less than $100. If you are a professional, then you can buy the expensive tools that are made for this purpose.

If you have any doubts regarding the tools, you can call a local store and ask them for recommendation. They will guide you to buy the best tools for the job.

Before you start cutting the flooring, you need to clean the area

It is a very common thing that when you start the work, you forget to clean the area. And you might have to change the flooring material if you don’t clean the area.

If you are going to do the cutting by yourself, then you can use a mop to clean the area. But if you are going to hire the professionals, then they will clean the area for you.

Don’t forget to take the measurements

When you are going to cut the flooring, you need to make sure that you are taking the measurements properly. You need to measure the space that you are going to cut and you need to cut the flooring so that you can match the measurements perfectly.

So, if you are going to cut the flooring by yourself, then you need to draw the lines on the flooring. But if you are going to hire the professionals, then they will take the measurements and tell you what you need to cut.

Don’t forget to take the plan

Before you start the process of cutting the flooring, you need to make a plan. It is one of the most important tips that you need to follow while you are cutting the flooring.

You can make a plan of the area that you want to cover and you can also mark the spots where you will cut the flooring.


In this article, we have shared some of the tips that you need to follow while you are cutting the flooring. If you have any doubts or queries regarding this article, you can contact us via email or phone.