Asbestos is a type of natural mineral which is mainly used to make flooring. Asbestos flooring is mostly used to make homes and offices and it is durable and resistant to temperature and humidity. This natural mineral is safe if used properly. But when it is used improperly, it can be harmful to the human health.

You might think that flooring with asbestos is no longer used because of its dangerous nature but it is still widely used in the world. And there are still a lot of buildings that are built with asbestos.

This is why you need to know about the facts and information regarding this flooring before purchasing.

1. Can Asbestos Flooring be Hazardous to Health?

The main reason for not using this flooring is the danger that it can pose to the health of the users. The best thing about asbestos is that it can resist temperature, humidity and pressure. It is highly recommended for use in buildings, schools, factories and industries. But if you want to get the right information about this flooring, then you can read the following.

Asbestos has a unique ability to absorb gases and moisture. If you don’t have a good ventilation system, then it is likely to collect dust and it can be breathed into the lungs. So, it is better to avoid the use of this flooring in homes, offices and factories.

It is also important to note that the use of asbestos flooring may lead to several health issues such as cancer, asbestosis and pulmonary fibrosis.

2. How to Install Asbestos Flooring?

Asbestos flooring is usually installed in the floor of the building or any other area where you need a strong and durable material. If you want to install this flooring, then there are a lot of different methods that can be used. The first thing that you need to do is to hire a professional and experienced contractor. They will help you to install the flooring in the proper way.

3. Are There Any Types of Asbestos Flooring?

There are many types of asbestos flooring, but most of them are made from one type of asbestos. However, there are other types of asbestos which are used in various types of products. Some examples are:

A. Asbestos Board

Asbestos board is the first type of asbestos that was used for making flooring. It is a very heavy type of material that is used in the construction of buildings. You can find this type of flooring in factories, hotels and many more places.

B. Asbestos Sheet

Asbestos sheet is one of the most popular types of asbestos flooring. It is similar to the asbestos board, but it is thinner. This type of flooring is mostly used in residential areas.

C. Asbestos Tile

Asbestos tile is the third most popular type of asbestos flooring. It is a thin and flexible type of flooring. You can find this type of flooring in many homes, restaurants and other places.


If you are interested in knowing the facts and information about asbestos, then you can get all the information from the internet. I hope you liked this post and found the information helpful.